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You are Amazing!

 Dear Child of Elyon, You were molded by the one who created the stars, the earth, and the universe. He molded you and then breathed Himself into you, so the very essence of who you are is God.  You are a living soul, an image of God the Creator-Father, made in His image and likeness. Nothing created is more amazing than you. Whether you are male or female, dark or light, red or brown, tall or short, you are the reflection of Elyon, on the inside and out.  Do you see that you bear the very nature of God, His likeness? You look just like Him?  It's incredible to me then that you would look in the mirror and think otherwise. It is incredible to me that you can look at the ocean and think you are less magnificent; look at the tree and think you are less wonderful.  We are all the image of God, every single one of us. So how can we look at another and think they are more beautiful, more handsome? How can you look at yourself and think you are more beautiful, more handsome than another.
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Welcome to The Child of Elyon Blog

Welcome. My name is Iruka, and I am Elyon's Girl. I hope this blog helps you to understand your identity as a Child of Elyon, because in that identity, you will become the greatest version of yourself created. My desire is that through my words, I can, by His Spirit, help you grow into the boy, girl, man, and woman that He created you to be.  Welcome to my world of words, where, with all my heart, I pray that Elyon will speak to your heart! See you soon. I love you. Iruka